Date: 1681
"And all to leave, what with his Toyl he won, / To that unfeather'd, two legg'd thing, a Son: / Got, while his Soul did hudled Notions try; / And born a shapeless Lump, like Anarchy."
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1693
"Learn Wretches; learn the Motions of the Mind: / Why you were made, for what you were design'd; / And the great Moral End of Humane Kind."
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1693
"None, none descends into himself; to find / The secret Imperfections of his Mind: / But ev'ry one is Eagle-ey'd, to see / Another's Faults, and his Deformity."
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1700, 1717
"Thus all Things are but alter'd, nothing dies; / And here and there th' unbodied Spirit flies, / By Time, or Force, or Sickness dispossess, / And lodges, where it lights, in Man or Beast; / Or hunts without, till ready Limbs it find, / And actuates those according to their kind; / From Tenement ...
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)