Date: 1818
"And then in quiet circles did they press / The hillock turf, and caught the latter end / Of some strange history, potent to send / A young mind from its bodily tenement."
preview | full record— Keats, John (1795-1821)
Date: 1818
"Great Muse, thou know'st what prison, / Of flesh and bone, curbs, and confines, and frets / Our spirit's wings."
preview | full record— Keats, John (1795-1821)
Date: 1818
Thought may be wooed "to steal about the labyrinth in the soul"
preview | full record— Keats, John (1795-1821)
Date: 1820
"Yes, I will be thy priest, and build a fane / In some untrodden region of my mind."
preview | full record— Keats, John (1795-1821)
Date: 1820
"How to entangle, trammel up and snare / Your soul in mine, and labyrinth you there / Like the hid scent in an unbudded rose?"
preview | full record— Keats, John (1795-1821)
Date: August 16, 1820
"My Imagination is a Monastery and I am its Monk--you must explain my metapcs to yourself."
preview | full record— Keats, John (1795-1821)