Date: Friday, April 21, 1727
"For though it is generally believed that few Statesmen are much afflicted with this terrible Inmate; yet, upon a careful Inspection of human Nature, I find it to be a vulgar Error; and am fully satisfied that, notwithstanding the outward placid Behaviour and smiling Aspect of t...
preview | full record— Caleb d'Anvers [pseud. for Nicholas Amhurst, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke, and William Pulteney, Earl of Bath]
Date: 1730
A beauteous face may be the index of a beauteous mind
preview | full record— Miller, James (1704-1744)
Date: 1734 [1735?]
"Error that great Distemper of the Mind, / Hard to be cur'd, because 'tis hard to find; / So mixt and blended with our very Frame, / It lurks secure, and borrows Reason's Name."
preview | full record— Paget, Thomas Catesby, Lord Paget (1689-1742)
Date: 1741
"For Thou who, faulty, wrong'st another's Fame, / Howe'er so great and dignify'd thy Name, / The Muse shall drag thee forth to publick Shame; / Pluck the fair Feathers from thy Swan-skin Heart, / And shew thee black and guileful as thou art."
preview | full record— Miller, James (1704-1744)