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Date: July-August, 2008

"And now, thanks to the growing power that computer engineers and software coders wield over our intellectual lives, Taylor’s ethic is beginning to govern the realm of the mind as well."

— Carr, Nicholas (b. 1959)

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Date: July-August, 2008

"The human brain is just an outdated computer that needs a faster processor and a bigger hard drive."

— Carr, Nicholas (b. 1959)

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Date: 2008

"Oh Bryn, you see through the dark, / Right past the fireflies that sleep in my heart."

— Koenig, Ezra (b. 1984) [Vampire Weekend]

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Date: 2009

"Eliot closes his eyes and sorts through the database of biblical references that he jammed into his brain during his days as a somewhat-more-devout young man."

— Konstantinou, Lee

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Date: 2009

"Like some inoperable cancerous thing inside his brain, a new mental organ had awakened, insistently and without mercy pushing him forward, punishing him with guilt, compelling him to feel things and want things that can't be argued for or against on the basis of logical reasoning, analy...

— Konstantinou, Lee

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Date: 2009

"His daddy issues need to be resolved, his therapist says, and he could probably stand to improve his relationship with his mother too, but Eliot wonders whether any amount of analysis will ever unknot this tangled mass of mental rope."

— Konstantinou, Lee

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Date: 2009

"Whatever else has happened to him, the moral thing that erupted in his mind hasn't gone into remission. If anything, it has only metastasized, secretly colonizing, under the cover of this last month's madness, more and more of his sense of self."

— Konstantinou, Lee

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Date: May 10, 2009

"Rather than storehouses of in-depth information, the web is turning our brains into indexes."

— Suderman, Peter

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Date: Jul 18, 2009

"I can only wonder what it's like to be so well rested, to know that the deep pool of sleep within you -- the somnifer, I suppose it's called -- is filled to the brim."

— Klinkenbourg, Verlyn (b. 1952)

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Date: August 1, 2009

"There is nothing like a good storm for washing away mental debris, and I let it."

— Klinkenbourg, Verlyn (b. 1952)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.