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Date: 2010

"His cell was a concrete box six feet by ten with one window and a steel door with a slot wide enough to slip his hands through but that was all, and most of the time he just lay there on his cot, his mind so blank it was like a pail with nothing in it."

— Cronin, Justin

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Date: 2010

"The sentences were as clear in his mind as if written there."

— Cronin, Justin

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Date: 2011

"In contrast, '50 First Dates' utilizes Hawaii as a kind of blank slate, a place emptied of political turmoil and a perfect metaphor for the state of mind produced by the erasure of memory."

— Halberstam, Jack [Judith] (b. 1961)

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Date: October 31, 2011

"The interpreter [the left-brain narrating system] creates the illusion of a meaningful script, as well as a coherent self."

— Carey, Benedict (b. 1960)

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Date: July 5, 2014

"And so, while in the past, we turned to Freud's mystic writing pad to think of memory as a palimpsest, burying material under layers of inscription, now we see a memory as a live wire sitting in the psyche waiting for a spark."

— Halberstam, Jack [Judith] (b. 1961)

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Date: May 19, 2014

"Plato and Aristotle saw memories as thoughts inscribed on wax tablets that could be erased easily and used again."

— Specter, Michael (b. 1955)

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Date: May 19, 2014

"Memory 'works a little bit more like a Wikipedia page,' Loftus said in a recent speech. 'You can go in there and change it, but so can other people.'"

— Specter, Michael (b. 1955)

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Date: May 19, 2014

"If misinformation can be incorporated so seamlessly into a person's recollection of an event, what becomes of the original memory? Is it completely overwritten, or merely adjusted somehow, layered with a new trace?"

— Specter, Michael (b. 1955)

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Date: May 19, 2014

"I asked if she thought scientists would ever really be able to write the pain out of a patient's mind."

— Specter, Michael (b. 1955)

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Date: September 1, 2014

"Lakoff argues that the brain understands sentences not just by analyzing syntax and looking up neural dictionaries, but also by igniting its memories of kicking and picking up."

— Chorost, Michael (b. 1964)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.