Date: c. 1680
"A thousand Griefs attending on the same. / Which march in ranck and file, proceed to make / A Battery, and the fort of Life to take."
preview | full record— Taylor, Edward (1642-1729)
Date: c. 1680
"Which when the Centinalls did spy, the Heart / Did beate alarum up in every part."
preview | full record— Taylor, Edward (1642-1729)
Date: c. 1680
"The Vitall Spirits apprehend thereby / Exposde to danger great suburbs ly, / The which they do desert, and speedily / The Fort of Life the Heart, they Fortify, / The Heart beats up still by her Pulse to Call / Out of the outworks her train Souldiers all / Which quickly come hence."
preview | full record— Taylor, Edward (1642-1729)
Date: 1787
"If any assistance be given to the oligarchic party within him, by his father, or the others of his family, admonishing and upbraiding him, then truly arises sedition and opposition, and a fight within him, with himself."
preview | full record— Adams, John (1735-1826)
Date: 1787
"Again, when some desires retire, there are others akin to them, which grow up, and through inattention to the father's instructions, become both many and powerful, draw towards intimacies among themselves, and generate a multitude, seize the citadel or the soul of the youth, finding it evacuated...
preview | full record— Adams, John (1735-1826)
Date: 1787
"These false and boasting reasonings, denominating modesty to be stupidity; temperance, unmanliness; moderation, rusticity; decent expence, illiberality; thrust them all out disgracefully, and expel them their territories, and lead in in triumph insolence and anarchy, and luxury and impudence, wi...
preview | full record— Adams, John (1735-1826)
Date: 1922
"Your lustrous-warm eyes are too sadly kind / To mask the meaning of your dreamy tale, / Your guarded life too exquisitely frail / Against the daggers of my warring mind."
preview | full record— McKay, Claude (1889-1948)
Date: 1990
"But now I rock a bar stool and I drink for two / Just pondering this time bomb in my mind."
preview | full record— John Linnell and John Flansbaugh [They Might Be Giants]
Date: July 23, 2012
"I'm O.K., you tell them, but with each passing week the depression deepens. You try to describe it. Like someone flew a plane into your soul. Like someone flew two planes into your soul."
preview | full record— Díaz, Junot (b. 1968)
Date: February 15, 2013
"We become a nation of survivalists, alone in the bunkers of our mind, with nothing but empty static on the radio."
preview | full record— Pierce, Charles P. (b. 1953)