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Date: 1999

"Caution, to prevent electric shock / Do not remove cover / No user-serviceable parts inside / Refer servicing to qualified / Service personnel" // Let this be the epitaph for my heart

— Stephin Merritt (b. February 9, 1965)

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Date: 2001

"How romantic to think the mind a machine reliable enough to transform the same causes over and over again into the same effects. When even toasters fail!"

— Richardson, James (b. 1950)

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Date: 2006

"The neurologist made the brain sound more rickety than the old toy trucks Mark used to assemble from discarded cabinet parts and sawn-off detergent bottles."

— Powers, Richard (b. 1957)

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Date: 2006

"'What we think of as a single, simple process,' Weber wrote, 'is in fact a long assembly line. Vision requires careful coordination between thirty-two or more separate brain modules. Recognizing a face takes at least two dozen.'"

— Powers, Richard (b. 1957)

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Date: 2006

"We are hard-wired for finding faces."

— Powers, Richard (b. 1957)

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Date: 2006

"Back at Dayton Chaminade High, Weber had begun intellectual life as a confirmed Freudian--brain as hydraulic pipe for mind's spectacular waterworks--anything to confound his priest teachers."

— Powers, Richard (b. 1957)

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Date: 2006

"He knew the drill: throughout history, the brain had been compared to the highest prevailing level of technology: steam engine, telephone switchboard, computer."

— Powers, Richard (b. 1957)

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Date: 2006

"Now, as Weber approached his own professional zenith, the brain became the Internet, a distributed network, more than two hundred modules in loose, mutually modifying chatter with other modules."

— Powers, Richard (b. 1957)

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Date: 2006

"He stumbled through an answer that had once been automatic: The brain was not a machine, not a car engine, not a computer."

— Powers, Richard (b. 1957)

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Date: 2006

"More generally, the amygdala acts as a radar for the brain, calling attention to whatever might be new, puzzling, or important to learn more about."

— Goleman, Daniel (b. 1946)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.