Date: 1794
"No--long they lived great nature to explore, / Their minds enriching with poetic store."
preview | full record— Pointon, Priscilla [AKA Priscilla Pickering] (c. 1740-1801)
Date: 1842
The fancy may haunt a place from the one's past
preview | full record— Blamire, Susanna (1747-1794)
Date: Summer, 1991
"Elinor has constructed herself in this way around an original lack: the absentation of her sister, and perhaps in the first place the withholding from herself of the love of their mother, whom she then compulsively unites with Marianne, the favorite, in the love-drenched tableaux of her imaginat...
preview | full record— Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky (1950-2009)
Date: Summer, 1991
"Elinor's pupils, those less tractable sphincters of the soul, won't close against the hapless hemorrhaging of her visual attention-flow toward Marianne; it is this, indeed, that renders her consciousness, in turn, habitable, inviting, and formative to readers as 'point-of-view.'"
preview | full record— Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky (1950-2009)