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Date: 1786

"But your humanity must ever be engraved on my heart."

— Inchbald [née Simpson], Elizabeth (1753-1821)

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Date: 1786

"Nay, with every other person 'tis the same thing--If we are stuffed into a coach, with a little chattering pert Miss, "Oh dear, Mr. Anthony Euston, you must not ride backwards, here is room for you on this seat--and Mr. Euston, I know, will like one seat as well as another"--and then am...

— Inchbald [née Simpson], Elizabeth (1753-1821)

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Date: 1799

"Come, bright IMAGINATION, come! relume / Thy orient lamp; with recompensing ray / Shine on the Mind, and pierce its gathering gloom / With all the fires of intellectual Day!"

— Seward, Anna (1742-1809)

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Date: 1806

"But when thy true poetic lays, / Pierce to the Heart's remotest cell; / We feel the conscious innate praise"

— Robinson [Née Darby], Mary [Perdita] (1758-1800)

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Date: 1808

"Secure, his adamantine heart / In learning's musty cell / Repell'd poor Cupid's powerful dart, / And slighted every belle"

— Grant [née MacVicar], Anne (1755-1838)

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Date: 1808

"In panoply of lead and brass / Their cautious hearts unfold, / Which beauty cannot pierce, alas! / Unless with darts of gold!"

— Grant [née MacVicar], Anne (1755-1838)

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Date: 1808

"The soft harp's many-sounding strings, / Wak'd by the blushing maid, / Could melt the iron hearts of kings, / And beauty's influence aid"

— Grant [née MacVicar], Anne (1755-1838)

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Date: 1808

"'But when the Bard by Arun's stream / Indulg'd each sadly tender theme, / And with enchantment wild combin'd / The countless "shadowy tribes of mind;'"

— Grant [née MacVicar], Anne (1755-1838)

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Date: 1810

"And let thy rage, with fancied wrongs insane, / Steel every thought with Delia's proud disdain"

— Seward, Anna (1742-1809)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.