Date: 1767
"It is not, replied the sultan, with a mildness chastened with gravity, it is not for mortal eyes to penetrate into the close recesses of the human heart
preview | full record— Sheridan [née Chamberlaine], Frances (1724-1766)
Date: 1767
"His mind, however, was by pleasure rendered too volatile to suffer any thing to make a lasting impression on him; and he had still too many resources of happiness in his power, to give himself up to despair."
preview | full record— Sheridan [née Chamberlaine], Frances (1724-1766)
Date: 1767
"He gave the reins to his passions; he again became the slave of voluptuous appetites."
preview | full record— Sheridan [née Chamberlaine], Frances (1724-1766)
Date: 1767
"The vacancy he found in his heart was insupportable."
preview | full record— Sheridan [née Chamberlaine], Frances (1724-1766)
Date: 1767
"Whilst he endeavoured to fill up the vacuity he found in his mind, his time was spent at best but in a sort of insipid tranquillity. The voluptuary has no taste for mental pleasures."
preview | full record— Sheridan [née Chamberlaine], Frances (1724-1766)
Date: 1767
"Strike then, Nourjahad, if thou darest; dismiss me to endless and uninterrupted joys, and live thyself a prey to remorse and disappointment, the slave of passions never to be gratified, and a sport to the vicissitudes of fortune."
preview | full record— Sheridan [née Chamberlaine], Frances (1724-1766)
Date: 1767
"How transitory have been all my pleasures! the recollection of them dies on my memory, like the departing colours of the rainbow, which fades under the eye of the beholder, and leaves not a trace behind."
preview | full record— Sheridan [née Chamberlaine], Frances (1724-1766)
Date: 1767
"Whilst on the other hand, every affliction with which I have been visited, has imprinted a deep and lasting wound on my heart, which not even the hand of time itself has been able to heal."
preview | full record— Sheridan [née Chamberlaine], Frances (1724-1766)
Date: 1767
"Whilst on the other hand, every affliction with which I have been visited, has imprinted a deep and lasting wound on my heart, which not even the hand of time itself has been able to heal."
preview | full record— Sheridan [née Chamberlaine], Frances (1724-1766)
Date: 1767
"A holy ardor was kindled in his breast, which he had never felt before; he found his faculties enlarged, his mind was transported above this world; he felt as it were unimbodied, and an involuntary adjuration burst from his lips."
preview | full record— Sheridan [née Chamberlaine], Frances (1724-1766)