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Date: 1786

"Strengthen'd by thee, this heart shall cease to melt / O'er ills that poor humanity must bear; / Nor friends estrang'd, or ties dissolv'd be felt / To leave regret, and fruitless anguish there."

— Smith, Charlotte (1749-1806)

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Date: 1786

"Her pencil sickening Fancy throws away, / And weary Hope reclines upon the tomb."

— Smith, Charlotte (1749-1806)

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Date: 1787

The young mind is an "opening flower" that may be beautified by cultivation

— Wallis, Hannah (fl. 1787)

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Date: 1787

"And life's first moment stamp'd my soul immortal."

— Yearsley, Ann (bap. 1753, d. 1806)

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Date: 1787

"Love was ever the touchstone to try the fine mind, / Sterling Virtue 'twill never debase; / No alloy can we know, from a passion refin'd,"

— Yearsley, Ann (bap. 1753, d. 1806)

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Date: 1787

"The soft parental rapture, fond embrace, / Kind gratulation, smile of filial love, / All form a deep impression"

— Yearsley, Ann (bap. 1753, d. 1806)

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Date: 1787

"Still wilt thou hang upon my joyless soul / That clasps thy dear impression"

— Yearsley, Ann (bap. 1753, d. 1806)

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Date: 1787

"Virtue sleeps / While all the finest faculties of mind / Rust, like the iron long unus'd"

— Yearsley, Ann (bap. 1753, d. 1806)

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Date: 1787

"Thus had he spoke, while pride his bosom steels, / Nor granted Frenchmen wit--but in their heels."

— Inchbald, Elizabeth (1753-1821); Damaniant

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Date: 1787

"This was a ray of intelligence which pointed out to the discerning parent the path prescribed by nature."

— Louise Florence Pétronille Tardieu d'Ésclavelles Épinay (marquise d') (1726-1783)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.