Date: 1792
The mind may be wounded and healing balm imparted to it
preview | full record— Cowper, Maria Frances Cecilia [née Madan] (1726-1797)
Date: 1792
"Thrice happy she, condemned to move / Beneath the servile weight, / Whose thoughts ne'er soar one inch above / The standard of her fate"
preview | full record— Taylor, Ellen (fl. 1792)
Date: 1792
"In this style argue tyrants of every denomination, from the weak king to the weak father of a family; they are all eager to crush reason, yet always assert that they usurp its throne only to be useful."
preview | full record— Wollstonecraft, Mary (1759-1797)
Date: 1792
"Yes, she has a thousand charms, and my heart is already in her chains."
preview | full record— Cowley [née Parkhouse], Hannah (1743-1809)
Date: 1792
"Thou wife of Orloff! thou hast my soul in chains--drag it not to perdition!"
preview | full record— Cowley [née Parkhouse], Hannah (1743-1809)
Date: 1792
"My ardent passions I could hold in chains, and suppress that love which honor could not sanction."
preview | full record— Cowley [née Parkhouse], Hannah (1743-1809)
Date: 1792
"More noble than the sycophant, whose art / Must heap with taudry flowers thy hated shrine; / I envy not the meed thou canst impart / To crown his service--while, tho' Pride combine / With Fraud to crush me--my unfetter'd heart / Still to the Mountain Nymph may offer mine."
preview | full record— Smith, Charlotte (1749-1806)
Date: 1792
"So ductile is the understanding, and yet so stubborn, that the associations which depend on adventitious circumstances, during the period that the body takes to arrive at maturity, can seldom be disentangled by reason."
preview | full record— Wollstonecraft, Mary (1759-1797)
Date: 1792
"One idea calls up another, its old associate, and memory, faithful to the first impressions, particularly when the intellectual powers are not employed to cool our sensations, retraces them with mechanical exactness."
preview | full record— Wollstonecraft, Mary (1759-1797)
Date: 1792
"This habitual slavery, to first impressions, has a more baneful effect on the female than the male character, because business and other dry employments of the understanding, tend to deaden the feelings and break associations that do violence to reason."
preview | full record— Wollstonecraft, Mary (1759-1797)