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Date: 1726

"[T]he Person of the Man, and the Manner in which he delivered his Message, made such an Impression on her Mind, that she was in an instant changed"

— Aubin, Penelope (1679?-1731?)

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Date: [1726]

"I will not (continued the God of tender Wishes) prolong the little Narrative I have to make you, by a repetition of her Lamentations when alone, and at liberty to indulge them; you may believe they were extremely violent, and suitable to the Occasion: but as soon as Reason had the power of resum...

— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)

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Date: [1726]

"Review with the Mind’s Eye the various scenes of Life which this Day’s Progress has presented."

— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)

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Date: [1726]

"Endeavour at least, to throw each darling Failing from thy Soul; and those Reflections which, in thy coolest Hours of Thought, Reason inspires, retain about thee always; then canst thou never be by any ill Passion sway'd, nor do a Deed which Conscience can condemn: Conscience and Reason still go...

— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)

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Date: [1726]

"Let what I have said be written in thy Heart, and keep it ever treasured in thy Mind."

— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)

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Date: [1726]

"Being alone, under the pretence of diverting her Melancholy, he desir’d to sup with her, which she consented to with pleasure; but he took care in filling out the Wine to mingle something in it of a more intoxicating kind, which tho’ she drank of but with moderation, had the effect he aim’d at, ...

— Haywood [née Fowler], Eliza (1693?-1756)

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Date: 1728

"Olymphia grew calm and resigned, wiped away her Tears, and resolved to conquer the fond Passion that had undone her"

— Aubin, Penelope (1679?-1731?)

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Date: 1732

"Amira no sooner saw the Duke's lntent, but she shun'd his Presence, at least as much as possible, without being observ'd, and express'd in every Action so resolute and inborn an Aversion, the Duke judg'd it impossible to be real; never once reflecting his fair Charge might be pre-ingag'd, and th...

— Boyd, Elizabeth (fl. 1727-1745)

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Date: 1732

"Distrest by a confused Medley of thinking, she threw herself carelesly on a Couch, where amid a Chaos of Reflection, she slept, if, we can properly be said to sleep, (when the Mind fir'd by warring Passions, dreams 'em o'er again) the Chamber Door had but negligently fell too, for the unthinking...

— Boyd, Elizabeth (fl. 1727-1745)

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Date: 1732

"In a Word, he travers'd the Wilderness dejected with Love, Despair, Expectance, jealous Doubts, till wearied with the Journey of his Mind, more than the Travel of his Body; he rested him in the Alcove, if possible to compose his Humour, which began to be somewhat impatient at the Neglect he conc...

— Boyd, Elizabeth (fl. 1727-1745)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.