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Date: 1713

"But silent Musings urge the Mind to seek / Something, too high for Syllables to speak; / Till the free Soul to a compos'dness charm'd, / Finding the Elements of Rage disarm'd, / O'er all below a solemn Quiet grown, / Joys in th'inferiour World, and thinks it like her Own."

— Finch [née], Anne, Countess of Winchilsea (1666-1720)

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Date: 1713

"Falsly, the Mortal Part we blame / Of our deprest, and pond'rous Frame, / Which, till the First degrading Sin / Let Thee, its dull Attendant, in, / Still with the Other did comply, / Nor clogg'd the Active Soul, dispos'd to fly, / And range the Mansions of it's native Sky."

— Finch [née], Anne, Countess of Winchilsea (1666-1720)

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Date: 1717

"I render back the Treasure of thy Heart: / When in some new fair Breast it finds a Room, And I shall lie neglected in my Tomb; / Remember, oh! remember, the fair She / Can never love thee, darling Youth! like me."

— Behn, Aphra (1640?-1689)

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Date: 1733

"But if Calista's perfect Soul they knew, / They'd own their Error, and her Praise pursue. / Centred in her the brightest Graces meet, / Treasures of Knowledge and rich Mines of Wit

— Masters, Mary (1694-1771)

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Date: 1734, 1735

"The Mind, in peaceful Solitude, has Room / To range in Thought, and ramble far from home."

— Barber, Mary (c.1685-1755)

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Date: 1738

"Thy skill my elemental Clay refin'd, / The straggling Parts in beauteous Order join'd, / With perfect Symmetry compos'd the whole, / And stampt thy sacred Image on my Soul."

— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)

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Date: 1738

"Whate'er we think on't, Forune's but a Toy, / Which cheats the Soul with empty Shows of Joy; / A mere ideal Creature of the Brain, / That reigns the Idol of the Mad and Vain; / Deludes their Senses with a fair Disguise, / And sets an airy Bliss before their Eyes."

— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)

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Date: 1739

"Thy hand can trace the characters divine, / And stamp celestial beauty on my soul"

— Rowe [née Singer], Elizabeth (1674-1737)

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Date: 1747

"Tho' her bright Image, in his Breast he bears, / And all her Beauties in his Form appears; / Tho' in his Soul she lights her heav'nly Flame, / And finds even here a Votary in him."

— Lennox, née Ramsay, (Barbara) Charlotte (1730/1?-1804)

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Date: 1733, 1748

"Where thou [Memory] art not, the cheerless human mind / Is one vast void, all darksome, sad, and blind; / No trace of anything remains behind."

— Pilkington, Laetitia (c. 1709-1750)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.