Date: 1692, 1724
"Oh Madam! cry'd the Count, (in a Rapture) judge better of a Man whom you have just loaded with your Favours, and do not suspect Ingratitude from a Heart, that bears your Image."
preview | full record— Aulnoy, Madame d' (Marie-Catherine) (1650/51-1705)
Date: 1758
"They who have a good Constitution of Body, support Heats and Colds: and so they, who have a right Constitution of Soul, bear [the Attacks of] Anger, and Grief, and immoderate Joy, and the other Passions."
preview | full record— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)
Date: 1758
"Do not variegate the Structure of your Walls with Eubaean and Spartan Stone: but adorn both the Minds of the Citizens, and of those who govern them, by the Grecian Education."
preview | full record— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)
Date: 1758
"In all Vice, Pleasure being presented like a Bait, draws sensual Minds to the Hook of Perdition."
preview | full record— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)
Date: 1775
"How like a wanton lamb that careless play'd, / The shepherd and the fold forgotten quite, / My vagrant soul, in search of vain delight, / Many long years from her true Shepherd stray'd!"
preview | full record— Mulso [later Chapone], Hester (1727-1801)
Date: 1787
"Thus our thoughts are our most sacred and dearest property; and to read a bit of paper, as you call it, that does not belong to us, that contains thoughts not addressed to us, is to do an act that has all the deformity of treason, meanness, and infamy; in fine, the most vile and dishonourable ac...
preview | full record— Louise Florence Pétronille Tardieu d'Ésclavelles Épinay (marquise d') (1726-1783)
Date: 1787
"They converse not, they open not their mouths, they are silent, but they engrave their principles on the heart in indelible characters, instead of inconsistently crowding them on the memory."
preview | full record— Louise Florence Pétronille Tardieu d'Ésclavelles Épinay (marquise d') (1726-1783)