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Date: 1653

"Or Thoughts like Pencils draw still to the Life, / And Fancies mixt, as colours give delight."

— Cavendish, Margaret (1623-1673)

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Date: 1653

"And when these fancies and thin do show, / They may be graven in seal, for ought we know;"

— Cavendish, Margaret (1623-1673)

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Date: 1667

"When shall these clogs of Sense and Fancy break, / That I may hear the God within me speak?"

— Philips [née Fowler], Katherine (1632-1664)

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Date: 1667

"How vain a thing is Man, whose noblest part, / That Soul which through the World doth rome, / Traverses Heav'n, finds out the depth of Art, / Yet is so ignorant at home?"

— Philips [née Fowler], Katherine (1632-1664)

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Date: 1667

"I wonder not to find those that know most, / Profess so much their Ignorance; / Since in their own Souls greatest Wits are lost, / And of themselves have scarce a glance."

— Philips [née Fowler], Katherine (1632-1664)

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Date: 1667

"A Soul self-mov'd which can dilate, contract, / Pierces and judges things unseen: / But this gross heap of Matter cannot act, / Unless impulsed from within."

— Philips [née Fowler], Katherine (1632-1664)

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Date: 1667

"So unconcern'd she lives, so much above / The Rubbish of a sordid Jail, / That nothing doth her Energy improve / So much as when those structures fail."

— Philips [née Fowler], Katherine (1632-1664)

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Date: 1667

"It is our narrow thoughts shorten these things, / By their companion Flesh inclin'd; / Which feeling its own weakness gladly brings / The same opinion to the Mind."

— Philips [née Fowler], Katherine (1632-1664)

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Date: 1684

"Since Harmony, like Fire to VVax, does fit / The softned Heart Impressions to admit."

— Behn, Aphra (1640?-1689)

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Date: 1703

"Distorted Nature shakes at the Controul, / With strong Convulsions rends my strugling Soul; / Each vital String cracks with th' unequal Strife, / Departing Love racks like departing Life; / Yet there the Sorrow ceases with the Breath, / But Love each day renews th' torturing scene of Death."

— Egerton [née Fyge; other married name Field], Sarah (1670-1723)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.