Date: 1741
"Poor Mind, who heard all with extreme moderation, / Thought it now time to speak, and make her allegation: / ''Tis I that, methinks, have most cause to complain, / Who am cramped and confined like a slave in a chain.'"
preview | full record— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)
Date: 1741
"'I've a friend,' answers Mind, 'who, though slow, is yet sure, / And will rid me at last of your insolent power: / Will knock down your walls, the whole fabric demolish, / And at once your strong holds and my slavery abolish: / And while in your dust your dull ruins decay, / I'll snap off my cha...
preview | full record— Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806)
Date: ca. 1780
"No Pleasures, believe me, that wretch shall e'er taste, / No comfort his bosom e'er find; / Who suffers ill-temper to ruffle his breast, / And fretfulness reign in his mind."
preview | full record— Kilner, Dorothy (1755-1836)
Date: 1956
"There sits no higher court / Than man's red heart."
preview | full record— Plath, Sylvia (1932-1963)