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Date: 1778, 1779

"The hint thrown out concerning myself, is wholly unintelligible to me: my heart, I dare own, fully acquits me of vice, but without blemish, I have never ventured to pronounce myself."

— Burney [married name D'Arblay], Frances (1752-1840)

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Date: 1780

"Reason, (weak empress of the mind) / To passion had the helm consign'd"

— Steele, Anne (1717-1778)

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Date: 1780

Virtue and "this virtues woman" may be "first ruling passions"

— Steele, Anne (1717-1778)

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Date: 1780

"Reason's empire never knew a slave, / Her sway is gentle and her laws are kind"

— Steele, Anne (1717-1778)

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Date: ca. 1780

"No Pleasures, believe me, that wretch shall e'er taste, / No comfort his bosom e'er find; / Who suffers ill-temper to ruffle his breast, / And fretfulness reign in his mind."

— Kilner, Dorothy (1755-1836)

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Date: 1782

"A strong sense of DUTY, a fervent desire to ACT RIGHT, were the ruling characteristics of her mind: her affluence she therefore considered as a debt contracted with the poor, and her independence, as a tie upon her liberality to pay it with interest."

— Burney [married name D'Arblay], Frances (1752-1840)

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Date: 1782

"'Put me, if you please, to some trial!' cried Cecilia, with the virtuous courage of a self-acquitting conscience."

— Burney [married name D'Arblay], Frances (1752-1840)

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Date: 1782

"All that pride could demand, and all to which ambition could aspire, all that happiness could cover or the most scrupulous delicacy exact, in her I found united; and while my heart was enslaved by her charms, my understanding exulted in its fetters."

— Burney [married name D'Arblay], Frances (1752-1840)

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Date: 1782

"[A]cquainted ere you meet that you were to meet him no more, your heart would be all softness and grief, and at the very moment when tenderness should be banished from your intercourse, it would bear down all opposition of judgment, spirit, and dignity: you would hang upon every word, because ev...

— Burney [married name D'Arblay], Frances (1752-1840)

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Date: 1782

"Do not, then, wish me ill, ill as I have seemed to merit of you, for my own heart is almost broken by the tyranny I have been compelled to practice upon yours."

— Burney [married name D'Arblay], Frances (1752-1840)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.