Date: January 11, 2014
"'Think about a fish tank,' says Dr. Nedergaard. 'If you have a tank and no filter, the fish will eventually die. So, how do the brain cells get rid of their waste? Where is their filter?'"
preview | full record— Konnikova, Maria (b. 1984)
Date: February 9, 2015
"Now I know for sure that the soul is an evanescent thing and the body is its temporary container, because I saw it. I saw the body with the soul in it, I saw the body with the soul leaving, and I saw the body with the soul gone."
preview | full record— Alexander, Elizabeth (b. 1962)
Date: April 17, 2015
"In every moment, your brain consults its vast stores of knowledge and asks, 'The last time I was in a similar situation, what sensations did I encounter and how did I act?'"
preview | full record— Barrett, Lisa Feldman (b. 1963)
Date: July 1, 2015
"Poetry was an attempt to dig into the buried stuff inside a person’s psyche."
preview | full record— Zhang, Jenny
Date: Jun 29, 2015
"In some ways, it's like peeking into the black box of our mind, seeing the puzzle pieces that put our regular perception together."
preview | full record— Weiner, Sophie
Date: February 18, 2017
"So we're stuck in Trump's head with him. ... It's a very cluttered place to be, a fine-tuned machine spewing a torrent of chaos, cruelty, confusion, farce and transfixing craziness."
preview | full record— Dowd, Maureen (b. January 14, 1952)
Date: February 18, 2017
"Then think of the president's skull, which is stuffed with other humours: insecurity, insincerity, victimhood, paranoia, mockery, self-delusion, suspicion, calculation, illogic, vindictiveness, risk, bullying, alimentiveness, approbativeness, vitativeness. Gall, divided into three parts."
preview | full record— Dowd, Maureen (b. January 14, 1952)
Date: December 10, 2017
"To fill oneself with the consciousness of others, and then to forget deeply enough, and long enough, that the collective world can be welded to what is unique and original to oneself--this is as precise and moving a definition of creativity as I have come across."
preview | full record— Krauss, Nicole (b. August 18, 1974)
Date: April 18, 2018
"And indeed the tape--infamous and not proved to exist--has not just provided joke fodder for Twitter and talk-show hosts but has come to occupy a crawl space in our collective imagination, filled with bits and bobs plucked from a variety of sources: pulpy airport Russian-spy novels from the late...
preview | full record— Fry, Naomi