Date: 1787
"The soft parental rapture, fond embrace, / Kind gratulation, smile of filial love, / All form a deep impression"
preview | full record— Yearsley, Ann (bap. 1753, d. 1806)
Date: 1787
"Still wilt thou hang upon my joyless soul / That clasps thy dear impression"
preview | full record— Yearsley, Ann (bap. 1753, d. 1806)
Date: 1788
There are those "whom the traffic of their race / Has robb'd of every human grace; / Whose harden'd souls no more retain / Impressions Nature stamp'd in vain; / All that distinguishes their kind, / For ever blotted from their mind; / As streams, that once the landscape gave / Reflected o...
preview | full record— Williams, Helen Maria (1759-1827)
Date: 1791
"In the rich realms of polished taste, / Where judgment penetrates to find / The treasures of the unwrought mind, / Where conversation's ardent spirit / Refines from dross the ore of merit, / Where emulation aids the flame / And stamps the sterling bust of fame."
preview | full record— West, Jane (1758-1852)
Date: 1796
In Roman ampitheaters monarchs sat and watched "How beasts of prey could tear the human heart, / Rich with some lov'd impression.-"
preview | full record— Yearsley, Ann (bap. 1753, d. 1806)
Date: 1796
"My sons, if rich, might wield / The fan emblaz'd with Psyche and her boy / O'er some enchantress, whose contagious sighs / Would blast the best impression of their souls."
preview | full record— Yearsley, Ann (bap. 1753, d. 1806)
Date: w. October, 1796; 1810
"Conscious the mortal stamp is on thy breast."
preview | full record— Seward, Anna (1742-1809)
Date: 1797
"The base controul / Of petty despots in their pedant reign / Already hast thou felt;--and high disdain / Of Tyrants is imprinted on thy soul."
preview | full record— Smith, Charlotte (1749-1806)