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Date: 2004

"Those final sounds, however, are nothing like the wind moving through the vacancy of a mind."

— Rankine, Claudia (b. 1963)

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Date: 2006

"None of them ever breathed / a word about the fact that this humming, / aromatic, acid flashback, pungent, tingly / fingered world is acted out differently / for each one of us by the puppet theatre / of our senses."

— Gerstler, Amy (b. 1956)

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Date: 2006

"Curses, outbursts / and distracting chants simmer all day / long in the Crock-Pots of our heads."

— Gerstler, Amy (b. 1956)

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Date: 2006

"If our thoughts / and feelings were soup or stew, would they taste / of bile when we're defeated and be flavored / faintly with grace on better days?"

— Gerstler, Amy (b. 1956)

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Date: October 5th, 2007

"I didn't like looking at people when I did it, like those tribes afraid part of their soul will peel away if someone takes a picture of them."

— Packer, ZZ (b. 1973)

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Date: March 2009

"He had buried Europe 1944-45 under tons of mental concrete."

— Tyler, Carol

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Date: December 2009

"Like an oyster / That cloisters a spoil of pearls, / Untouched— // The heart that’s had / Enough / Stays shut."

— Essbaum, Jill Alexander

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Date: 2009

"This librarian told me that your mind works like a computer, or maybe an old card file."

— Chideya, Farai (b. 1969)

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Date: February 1, 2010

"Burn the body down / And, with it, out goes the pilot / Blue light of the mind."

— Cruz, Cynthia

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Date: December 13, 2010

"Hospital vigils take place in slow-time, during which the mind floats free, like a frail balloon drifting into the sky."

— Oates, Joyce Carol (b. 1938)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.