Date: 1914
"He gave me the impression that he was repeating something which he had learned by heart or that, magnetised by some words of his own speech, his mind was slowly circling round and round in the same orbit"
preview | full record— Joyce, James (1882-1941)
Date: 1914
"A light began to tremble on the horizon of his mind."
preview | full record— Joyce, James (1882-1941)
Date: 1914
"While her tongue rambled on Gabriel tried to banish from his mind all memory of the unpleasant incident with Miss Ivors."
preview | full record— Joyce, James (1882-1941)
Date: 1914
"A dull anger began to gather again at the back of his mind and the dull fires of his lust began to glow angrily in his veins."
preview | full record— Joyce, James (1882-1941)
Date: November 1914
"Sorrow like a ceaseless rain / Beats upon my heart."
preview | full record— Millay, Edna St. Vincent (1892-1950)
Date: November 1914
"All my thoughts are slow and brown."
preview | full record— Millay, Edna St. Vincent (1892-1950)
Date: 1914
"nd I know that just as the voice of Jesus was not heard, and is not heard, save here and there; just as the voice of Tolstoy is not heard, save here and there; and others great and small are lost in the great echoless desert of indifferentism, having produced little perceptible effect, so my voi...
preview | full record— de Cleyre, Voltairine (1866-1912)
Date: 1914
"I think with all his purity Emerson had within him the turbid stream of passion and desire; for all his hard-cut granite features he knew the instincts of the weakling and the slave; and for all his sweetness, he had the tiger and the jackal in his soul."
preview | full record— de Cleyre, Voltairine (1866-1912)