Date: 360-355 B.C.
"Let us call it the gift of the Muses' mother, Memory, and say that whenever we wish to remember something we see or hear or conceive in our own minds, we hold this wax under the perceptions or ideas and imprint them on it as we might stamp the impression of a seal ring."
preview | full record— Plato (427 BC - 347 BC)
Date: 360-355 B.C.
"When a man has in his mind a good thick slab of wax, smooth and kneaded to the right consistency, and the impressions that come through the senses are stamped on these tables of the 'heart'--Homer's word hints at the mind's likeness to wax--then the imprints are clear and deep enough to last a l...
preview | full record— Plato (427 BC - 347 BC)
Date: w. 350 B.C.
"Generally, about all perception, we can say that a sense is what has the power of receiving into itself the sensible forms of things without the matter, in the way in which a piece of wax takes on the impress of a signet-ring without the iron or gold; what produces the impression is a signet of ...
preview | full record— Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)
Date: w. 350 B.C.
"This explains why, in those who are strongly moved owing to passion, or time of life, no memory is formed; just as no impression would be formed if the movement of the seal were to impinge on running water; while there are others in whom, owing to the receiving surface being frayed, as happens t...
preview | full record— Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)
Date: w. 350 B.C.
"The former are too moist, the latter too hard, so that in the case of the former the image does not remain in the soul, while on the latter it is not imprinted at all."
preview | full record— Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)
Date: 1606
An "evill and hinderance to wisdome ... is the confusion and captivitie of his passions, and turbulent affections, whereof he must disfurnish and free himselfe, to the end he may be emptie and neate, like a white paper, and be made a subject more fit to receive tincture and impressions of wisdome...
preview | full record— Charron, Pierre (1541-1603); Lennard, Sampson (d. 1633)
Date: 1615
"[W]e are also of [Adam's] off-spring; not that I conceive (as some blasphemously have done) that he was made out of the very essence of God, but because the image of the divine nature, is most lively imprinted in his soul and in his body, and in the substance & qualities of them both. For the So...
preview | full record— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)
Date: 1664
"But I shall content myself with telling you more about how the traces are imprinted on the internal part of the brain which is the seat of the memory."
preview | full record— Descartes, René (1596-1650)
Date: w. 1628, published in 1684, 1701
"First, in so far as our external senses are all parts of the body, sense-perception, strictly speaking, is merely passive, even though our application of the senses to objects involves action, viz. local motion; sense-perception occurs in the same way in which wax takes on an impression from a s...
preview | full record— Descartes, René (1596-1650)
Date: w. 1628, published in 1684, 1701
"In all these functions the cognitive power is sometimes passive, sometimes active; sometimes resembling the seal, sometimes the wax."
preview | full record— Descartes, René (1596-1650)