Date: 1817
"bring a mind, / Where legal and where moral sense are join'd, / With the pure essence; holy thoughts, that dwell / In the soul's most retired, and sacred cell"
preview | full record— Gifford, William (1756-1826)
Date: January, 1888
"So that the little people who manage man's internal theatre had not as yet received a very rigorous training; and played upon their stage like children who should have slipped into the house and found it empty, rather than like drilled actors performing a set piece to a huge hall of faces."
preview | full record— Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894)
Date: January, 1888
"For myself--what I call I, my conscious ego, the denizen of the pineal gland unless he has changed his residence since Descartes, the man with the conscience and the variable bank-account, the man with the hat and the boots, and the privilege of voting and not carrying his candidate at the gener...
preview | full record— Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894)