Date: 1605?
"Within thine eyes (the Mirrors of my minde) / Mine eies behold themselues, wherein they see / (As through a Glasse) what in my Soule I find; / And so my Soules right shape I see in thee."
preview | full record— Davies, John (1564/5-1618)
Date: 1651
"And as the Grindstone to unpolish'd Steel / Gives Edge, and Lustre: so my Mind, I feel / VVhetted, and glaz'd by Fortunes turning VVheel"
preview | full record— Sherburne, Sir Edward (bap. 1616, d. 1702)
Date: 1651
"'Tis but the Body that blind Fortunes spight / Can chain to Earth; the nobler Soul doth slight / Her servill Bonds, and takes to Heaven her flight."
preview | full record— Sherburne, Sir Edward (bap. 1616, d. 1702)
Date: 1651
"Why break'st thou not (my Soul) this Chain / Of Flesh? why lett'st thou that restrain / Thy nimble Flight into his Arms, / Whose only Look with gladness charms?"
preview | full record— Sherburne, Sir Edward (bap. 1616, d. 1702)
Date: 1651
"Now, treacherous Boy, thou hast me sure, / Playing the Wanton with my Heart, / As foolish Children that a Bird have got, / Slacken the Thread, but not unty the knot."
preview | full record— Sherburne, Sir Edward (bap. 1616, d. 1702)
Date: 1688
"When Friends advice with Lovers forces joyn, / They'll conquer Hearts more fortify'd than mine"
preview | full record— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)
Date: 1688
"Here's Cavities, says one; and here, says he, / Is th' Seat of Fancy, Judgment, Memory: / Here, says another, is the fertile Womb, / From whence the Spirits Animal do come, / Which are mysteriously ingender'd here, / Of Spirits from Arterious Blood and Air: / Here, said a third, Life made her fi...
preview | full record— Barker, Jane (1675-1743)