Date: 1654
"The certainty that that time will come, together with the uncertainty, how, where, and when, should make us so to number our days to apply our hearts to wisdom, that when we are put out of these houses of clay we may be sure of an everlasting habitation that fades not away."
preview | full record— Bradstreet, Anne (1612-1672)
Date: c. 1680
"The Vitall Spirits apprehend thereby / Exposde to danger great suburbs ly, / The which they do desert, and speedily / The Fort of Life the Heart, they Fortify, / The Heart beats up still by her Pulse to Call / Out of the outworks her train Souldiers all / Which quickly come hence."
preview | full record— Taylor, Edward (1642-1729)
Date: 1787
"Again, when some desires retire, there are others akin to them, which grow up, and through inattention to the father's instructions, become both many and powerful, draw towards intimacies among themselves, and generate a multitude, seize the citadel or the soul of the youth, finding it evacuated...
preview | full record— Adams, John (1735-1826)
Date: c. 1862
"After great pain, a formal feeling comes -- / The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Tombs -- / The stiff Heart questions 'was it He, that bore,' / And 'Yesterday, or Centuries before'?"
preview | full record— Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886)
Date: 1968
"There is a little man who lives in one's head. The little man keeps a library."
preview | full record— Fodor, Jerry (b. 1935)
Date: 1968
"This is, I think, perfectly correct. The little man [in one's head], as we might say, has in his library pamphlets entitled 'Tying One's Shoes', 'Speaking Latin', and 'Typing 'Afghanistan"', but no pamphlet entitled 'Being Intelligent' or 'Speaking Latin Fluently' or 'Typing "Afghanistan" with P...
preview | full record— Fodor, Jerry (b. 1935)
Date: 1997
"What caretaker, what Verger of the Temple of the Self...?"
preview | full record— Pynchon, Thomas (b. 1937)
Date: August, 22, 2015
"Some philosophers claim that we know nothing of the external world outside our minds--nothing compared to what sways in our minds, in the long, twisting corridors of memory, the vast mental rooms with half-open doors, the ghosts chattering beneath the chandeliers of imagination."
preview | full record— Lightman, Alan (b. 1948)