Date: 1792
"As when in ocean sinks the orb of day, / Long on the wave reflected lustres play; / Thy tempered gleams of happiness resigned / Glance on the darkened mirror of the mind."
preview | full record— Rogers, Samuel (1763-1855)
Date: 1799
"And, in the waveless mirror of his mind, / Views the fleet years of pleasure left behind, / Since Anna's empire o'er his heart began!"
preview | full record— Campbell, Thomas (1777-1844)
Date: 1815
The wavering motions of the mind are like "quivering light" reflected off a confined "crystal flood" in a brass cistern
preview | full record— Cowper, William (1731-1800)
Date: 1818
"The lake unruffled [i.e., the mind], will reflect / A picture fair of earth and skies; / But how distorted its effect, / When ripples o'er the surface rise."
preview | full record— Park, Thomas (1759-1834)
Date: 1822
"Thrice has a gloomy vision hunted me / As thus from sleep into the troubled day; / It shakes me as the tempest shakes the sea, / Leaving no figure upon memory's glass"
preview | full record— Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792-1822)
Date: 1824
"What do I say--a mirror of my heart? / Are not thy waters sweeping, dark, and strong? / Such as my feelings were and are, thou art; / And such as thou art were my passions long."
preview | full record— Byron, George Gordon Noel, sixth Baron Byron (1788-1824)
Date: 1868
"And images, that, in the musing mind, / As in a placid lake, lie mirrored and defined, / If ruffling winds along the surface stray, / Scatter'd and broken, pass like rack away"
preview | full record— Lyte, Henry Francis (1793-1847)