Date: 1800
"Know, that the human being's thoughts and deeds / Are not like ocean billows, blindly moved."
preview | full record— Schiller, Friedrich (1759-1805)
Date: 1800
"The inner world, his microcosmus, is / The deep shaft, out of which they spring eternally."
preview | full record— Schiller, Friedrich (1759-1805)
Date: 1800
"They grow by certain laws, like the tree's fruit-- / No juggling chance can metamorphose them. / Have I the human kernel first examined? / Then I know, too, the future will and action."
preview | full record— Schiller, Friedrich (1759-1805)
Date: 1807
"The formalism of such a 'Philosophy of Nature' teaches, say, that the Understanding is Electricity, or the Animal is Nitrogen, or that they are the equivalent of the South or North Pole, etc., or represent it."
preview | full record— Hegel, G. W. F. (1770-1831)
Date: 1807
"The individual whose substance is the more advanced Spirit runs through this past just as one who takes up a higher science goes through the preparatory studies he has long since absorbed, in order to bring their content to mind: he recalls them to the inward eye, but has no lasting interest in ...
preview | full record— Hegel, G. W. F. (1770-1831)
Date: 1818, 1859
"Now this is by no means possible, for as soon as we turn into ourselves to make the attempt, and seek for once to know ourselves fully by means of introspective reflection, we are lost in a bottomless void; we find ourselves like the hollow glass globe, from out of which a voice speaks whose cau...
preview | full record— Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788-1860)
Date: 1819
The "Arab is as intimately connected with camel and horse as is body with soul"
preview | full record— Goethe, Johann Wolfgang (1749-1832)
Date: 1830
"But mind is not merely this abstractly simple being equivalent to light, which was how it was considered when the simplicity of the soul in contrast to the composite nature of the body was under discussion."
preview | full record— Hegel, G. W. F. (1770-1831)
Date: 1830
"To grasp intelligence as this night-like mine or pit in which is stored a world of infinitely many images and representations, yet without being in consciousness, is from the one point of view the universal postulate which bids us treat the notion as concrete, in the way we treat, for example, t...
preview | full record— Hegel, G. W. F. (1770-1831)