Date: 1785
"This is the case of many a beau / Who gives up all for glare and show. / Outside and front all fine and burnish'd, / But the inner rooms are thinly furnish'd."
preview | full record— Frere, John Hookham (1769-1846)
Date: 1785
"In fetters confined Our body complains, / Oppress'd is our mind , With heavier chains."
preview | full record— Wesley, Charles (1707-1788)
Date: February 19, 1798
"Whether material substance unrefined, / Owns the strong impulse of instinctive mind, / Which to one centre points diverging lines, / Confounds, refracts, invig'rates, and combines?"
preview | full record— Frere, John Hookham (1769-1846)
Date: 1798
"So, mighty Burke! in thy sepulchral urn, / To fancy's view, the lamp of Truth shall burn"
preview | full record— Canning, George (1770-1827)
Date: 1798?, 1868
"'Grave [the commandments] with Thy Spirit's seal / On the tables of my heart."
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1798?, 1868
"On my heart the promise seal'd, / Wrote forgiveness on my heart!"
preview | full record— Wesley, John and Charles
Date: 1817
"But he, the bard of every age and clime, / Of genius fruitful, ardent and sublime, / Who, from the glowing mint of fancy, pours / No spurious metal, fused from common ores, / But gold, to matchless purity refined, / And stamp'd with all the godhead in his mind."
preview | full record— Gifford, William (1756-1826)
Date: 1817
"[H]e must be possest, / Of more, Vagellius, than thy iron breast, / Who braves their anger, and with ten poor toes, / Defies such countless hosts of hobnail'd shoes."
preview | full record— Gifford, William (1756-1826)
Date: 1817
"[B]ring a mind, / Where legal and where moral sense are join'd, / With the pure essence; holy thoughts, that dwell / In the soul's most retired, and sacred cell"
preview | full record— Gifford, William (1756-1826)