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"Royalist (Pro-Stuart)"
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"Civil War and Commonwealth"
"Seventeenth Century"
"Early Seventeenth Century"
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Date: 1651
"And as the Grindstone to unpolish'd Steel / Gives Edge, and Lustre: so my Mind, I feel / VVhetted, and glaz'd by Fortunes turning VVheel"
preview | full record— Sherburne, Sir Edward (bap. 1616, d. 1702)
Date: 1656
"Thales argued, that the Load-stone, and Amber had soules; the first because it drawes Iron, the second Straw."
preview | full record— Stanley, Thomas (1625-1678)
Date: 1657
"But like true steel my heart doth pant, / To touch the long'd for Adamant."
preview | full record— Bold, Henry (1627-1683)