Date: 1656
"We answer, Sight is twofold, corporeal and spirituall; the first is that of Sense, the other the Intellectuall faculty, by which we agree with Angels; this Platonists call Sight, the corporeall being only an Image of this"
preview | full record— Stanley, Thomas (1625-1678)
Date: 1656
"So Aristotle, Intellect is that to the Soul which sight is to the Body: Hence is Minerva (Wisdom) by Homer call'd, Bright-ey'd"
preview | full record— Stanley, Thomas (1625-1678)
Date: 1660, 1676
"Will and Conscience are like the cognati sensus, the Touch and the Taste; or the Teeth and the Ears, affected and assisted by some common objects, whose effect is united in matter and some real events, and distinguished by their formalities, or metaphysical beings."
preview | full record— Taylor, Jeremy (bap. 1613, 1667)
Date: 1660, 1676
"In the actions of human entercourse, and the notions tending to it, reason is our eye, and to it are notices proportion'd, drawn from nature and experience, even from all the principles with which our rational faculties usually do converse."
preview | full record— Taylor, Jeremy (bap. 1613, 1667)