The Great Prince, "Who conquer'd Armies, now thou Conquers hearts:"

— Paterson, Ninian (fl.1678-1696)

Place of Publication
The Great Prince, "Who conquer'd Armies, now thou Conquers hearts:"
Metaphor in Context
Courage Great Prince, and make rogues stand in awe,
It's Execution that's the Life of Law;
Wherefore hes truth it self call'd Princes Gods?
But that they'r Masters of rewards and rods,
But that they can with Majesty command,
Or break in pieces who doe them withstand.
Princes do shew how they deserve their Crowns
By gracious favours, or by aw-full frownes.
Courage and Wisdom both a Prince maintaines.
Undaunton'd valour must have breast and braines.
Your Highness still makes good your Saviours words,
These that are mighty, are call'd bounteous Lords.
Patern of vertues Patron of all artes,
Who conquer'd Armies, now thou Conquers hearts:
It will deserve what Noblie is begun
Immortal fame and admiration.
Damn'd Donatists, it was their Tessera,
Quid Imperatori cum Ecclesiâ.
And if our Donatists that same should plead,
Shew them, Great Constantin yet is not dead,
And make our tottering Church now steddy stand
With Papist there, Fanatick on this hand,
The Reprobats of Loyalty and Grace,
The Schilla and Charibdis of our Peace.
Exile them Sir, and let it be their doom
To be confin'd to Germany and Rome.
Theudas, or Iudas, if they rise in Armes,
Disperse them, Sir, and keep us from their harmes;
And make both Hills and Bridges exil'd be,
The confines of this ages memorie.
Make blinded Tobits too Apocriphal,
And banish them that do not know at all
Mens flesh by bread, nor yet what's in the cup,
Its dangerous with them to dine or sup:
For if their hand mistake or varie, then
They'r Polyphemus, we Ulysses men.
And when we are devoured, they will swear
They saw us not, but we did meat appear.
When we whom Neptune's Trident did divide,
And set a part from all the World beside,
Have by thy arts this Glorious Garland won,
In faith and Love united Albion;
Then on the head of thy triumphant Test,
Th'Eternal conquest of all trouble rest:
For it will teach (as God doeth) every Soul;
What Kings commands, no Subjects may controul,
And in all after ages Christ'ned be
Ane Altar rais'd to Eternal Loyalty.
Searching "conque" and "heart" in HDIS (Poetry)
Date of Entry

The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.