"Now, the woman [Eve], hearing in the external way the serpent's suggestion, failed to read the internal book that was open and quite legible to the right judgment of reason."
— St. Bonaventure [born Giovanni di Fidanza] (1217-1274)
Work Title
"Now, the woman [Eve], hearing in the external way the serpent's suggestion, failed to read the internal book that was open and quite legible to the right judgment of reason."
Metaphor in Context
2. This should be understood as follows. As stated above, the first Principle gave the human creature a twofold perception and a twofold desire as regards the two books and the two kinds of good. But possessing freedom of will, this creature could turn either way. Now, the woman, hearing in the external way the serpent's suggestion, failed to read the internal book that was open and quite legible to the right judgment of reason. She kept her mind on the external book instead, and began to be concerned with the external good. Because her mind was not upon the infallible truth, her desire soon began to lean toward the perishable good. And so she set her heart upon what the devil promised, and agreed to do what he proposed. In her craving for superior knowledge, she rose to pride, which drew her into gluttony, which in turn finally cast her down through disobedience. The first act was a thought, the second a feeling, and the third a deed. Temptation began at the bottom and attained the top: it began with hearing, passed through desire, and attained consent. Conversely, disorder began at the top and went down to the bottom, consummating the one sin that was to be for human nature the beginning of all sin and the origin of evil.
Reading Curtius European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages (321)
St. Bonaventure, The Breviloquium (Paterson, NJ) <Link to http://www.catholic.uz/>
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