"Must Chloe hope in vain to steel that heart / In which each nymph would gladly share a part?"
— Crabbe, George (1754-1832)
Work Title
Place of Publication
November 1772
"Must Chloe hope in vain to steel that heart / In which each nymph would gladly share a part?"
Metaphor in Context
Must then Dorintha ever sigh in vain,
And Cælia breathe to echoing groves her pain?
Must Chloe hope in vain to steel that heart
In which each nymph would gladly share a part?
Must these, dejected shepherd, be betray'd,
And victims fall, because Cordelia's dead?
Must then Dorintha ever sigh in vain,
And Cælia breathe to echoing groves her pain?
Must Chloe hope in vain to steel that heart
In which each nymph would gladly share a part?
Must these, dejected shepherd, be betray'd,
And victims fall, because Cordelia's dead?
Searching "heart" and "steel" in HDIS (Poetry)
Crabbe, George. Poems. Ed. Adolphus William Ward. Vol. I. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1905.
first printed in "The Lady's Magazine, or Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex, appropriated solely to their use and amusement" in the November 1772 issue.
Date of Entry