"Soon I hope to be able to venture down into those dark corners of my mind on purpose."

— Armeni, Damon T.

May 7, 2014
"Soon I hope to be able to venture down into those dark corners of my mind on purpose."
Metaphor in Context
Together we are winning. PTSD can't attack me anymore without getting more than it gives. Soon I hope to be able to venture down into those dark corners of my mind on purpose. Armed with the tools treatment has given me and flanked by my allies, I will seek out my enemies and drive them away. This is the day I dream of, when the scars in my mind, like those on my body, will be nothing more than a reminder of darker days. Despite the fact that my physical wounds will most likely soon result in early retirement from the Army, I will always be an American soldier and I will not accept defeat on any battlefield.
Damon T. Armeni, "A Soldier Fights Off the Cold," New York Times (May 7, 2014). <Link to NYTimes.com>
Date of Entry

The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.