"What God, averse to Innocence and Love, / Cou'd shake thy gentle Soul with such a Storm?"
— Rowe, Nicholas (1674-1718)
Work Title
Place of Publication
Printed for Jacob Tonson
"What God, averse to Innocence and Love, / Cou'd shake thy gentle Soul with such a Storm?"
Metaphor in Context
Yes, my Semanthe, still I will complain,
Still I will murmur at thee, cruel Maid,
For all that Pain thou gav'st my Heart but now.
What God, averse to Innocence and Love,
Cou'd shake thy gentle Soul with such a Storm?
Just at that happy Moment, when the Priest
Had join'd our Hands, thou start'st as Death had struck thee,
And sighing cry'dst, Ah! no!--it is impossible!
(II.i, p. 18)
Yes, my Semanthe, still I will complain,
Still I will murmur at thee, cruel Maid,
For all that Pain thou gav'st my Heart but now.
What God, averse to Innocence and Love,
Cou'd shake thy gentle Soul with such a Storm?
Just at that happy Moment, when the Priest
Had join'd our Hands, thou start'st as Death had struck thee,
And sighing cry'dst, Ah! no!--it is impossible!
(II.i, p. 18)
C-H Lion
Eighteen entries in the ESTC (1706, 1714, 1719, 1720, 1726, 1728, 1733, 1735, 1736, 1750, 1764, 1778, 1791).
See Ulysses: A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Queen's Theatre in the Hay-Market. By Her Majesty's Sworn Servants. Written by N. Rowe (London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1706). <Link to ECCO>
See Ulysses: A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Queen's Theatre in the Hay-Market. By Her Majesty's Sworn Servants. Written by N. Rowe (London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1706). <Link to ECCO>
Date of Entry