"Philaret and I being thus agreed on a Rambling Project, you shall now seldom see us two asunder: We dwell together like Soul and Body"

— Dunton, John (1659-1732)

Place of Publication
Printed for Richard Newcome
"Philaret and I being thus agreed on a Rambling Project, you shall now seldom see us two asunder: We dwell together like Soul and Body"
Metaphor in Context
Philaret and I being thus agreed on a Rambling Project, you shall now seldom see us two asunder: We dwell together like Soul and Body: Had one been a Boy and the other a Girl, sure enough we had been Man and Wife. If one of us had been Castor, and the other Pollux, it had been well for Mariners, for we should always have appear'd together. Why had we not both one Mother? Why were we not Twins? for never were two better pleas'd with one another's Company; part us and ye kill us, for when Soul and Body part 'tis Death.
(III, pp. 359-60)
C-H Lion
John Dunton, A Voyage Round the World: or, a Pocket-Library, Divided into several Volumes. The First of which contains the Rare Adventures of Don Kainophilus, From his Cradle to his 15th. Year. The like Discoveries in such a Method never made by any Rambler before. The whole Work intermixt with Essays, Historical, Moral and Divine; and all other kinds of Learning. Done into English by a Lover of Travels. Recommended by the Wits of both Universities. 3 vols. (London: Printed for Richard Newcome, 1691). <Link to EEBO-TCP>
Date of Entry

The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.