"But you, who feel not any portion of the flame that devours me, can cooly argue, while my heart is torn in pieces; and deign not even to make any allowance for the unguarded sallies of unconquerable passion!"

— Smith, Charlotte (1749-1806)

Place of Publication
Printed for T. Cadell
"But you, who feel not any portion of the flame that devours me, can cooly argue, while my heart is torn in pieces; and deign not even to make any allowance for the unguarded sallies of unconquerable passion!"
Metaphor in Context
"Pardon me!--forgive me, Emmeline! I am not master of myself when I think of losing you! But you, who feel not any portion of the flame that devours me, can cooly argue, while my heart is torn in pieces; and deign not even to make any allowance for the unguarded sallies of unconquerable passion!--the phrenzy of almost hopeless love! Sometimes, when I think your coldness arises from determined and insurmountable indifference--perhaps from dislike--despair and fury possess me. Would you but say that you will live only for me--would you only promise that no future Rochely, none of the people you have seen or may see, shall influence you to forget me--I should, I think, be easier!"
(II, p. 133)
Searching in C-H Lion
At least 6 entries in ESTC (1788, 1789, 1799).

Emmeline, the Orphan of the Castle. By Charlotte Smith, 4 vols. (London: Printed for T. Cadell, 1788). <Link to ECCO>
Date of Entry

The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.