"Our Maker has given us this faithful internal monitor [the conscience], and if you always obey it, you will always be prepared for the end of the world, or for a more certain event, which is death."
— Jefferson, Thomas (1743-1826)
Work Title
Place of Publication
November 28, 1783
"Our Maker has given us this faithful internal monitor [the conscience], and if you always obey it, you will always be prepared for the end of the world, or for a more certain event, which is death."
Metaphor in Context
If ever you are about to say anything amiss or do anything wrong consider beforehand and you will feel something within you which will tell you it is wrong and ought not to be said or done. This is your conscience and be sure to obey it. Our Maker has given us this faithful internal monitor, and if you always obey it, you will always be prepared for the end of the world, or for a more certain event, which is death.
Reading a newspaper article from the Chicago Record pasted into a copy of the 1853 edition of Jefferson's Notes on the State of Virginia in UVa's Special Collections.
Date of Entry