"Meaning derives from the linkages among these representations with others spread throughout the cortical system in a vast associational network, similar to a dictionary or a relational database."
— Crick, Francis (1916-2004) and Christof Koch (b. 1956)
"Meaning derives from the linkages among these representations with others spread throughout the cortical system in a vast associational network, similar to a dictionary or a relational database."
Metaphor in Context
Meaning derives from the linkages among these representations with others spread throughout the cortical system in a vast associational network, similar to a dictionary or a relational database. The more diverse these connections, the richer the meaning. If, as in our previous example of prosopagnosia, the synaptic output of such face neurons were blocked, the cells would still respond to the person’s face, but there would be no associated meaning and, therefore, much less experience. Therefore, a face would be seen but not recognized as such.
(p. 95)
(p. 95)
Francis Crick and Christof Koch, "Why Neuroscience may be Able to Explain Consciousness," Scientific American (2002): 94-5. <Link to PDF at consc.net>
Date of Entry