"As Adam's flesh had been tainted by his sinful soul, becoming prone to lust, so the flesh seeded with lust and carrying in itself a virulent infection, taints and vitiates the soul."
— St. Bonaventure [born Giovanni di Fidanza] (1217-1274)
Work Title
"As Adam's flesh had been tainted by his sinful soul, becoming prone to lust, so the flesh seeded with lust and carrying in itself a virulent infection, taints and vitiates the soul."
Metaphor in Context
1. This is how original sin is transmitted. The soul itself is not handed down, but original sin did pass from the soul of Adam into the souls of his descendants through the flesh born of concupiscence. As Adam's flesh had been tainted by his sinful soul, becoming prone to lust, so the flesh seeded with lust and carrying in itself a virulent infection, taints and vitiates the soul. This infection in the soul is not only a punishment, but also a sin. Hence the spiritual element corrupts the physical, and corrupted physical nature in turn corrupts the spiritual, while leaving in all things the justice of God unimpaired; for although God infuses a soul as He creates it, and, through this infusion, attaches it to infected flesh, He yet can never be blamed for the soul's infection.
St. Bonaventure, The Breviloquium (Paterson, NJ) <Link to http://www.catholic.uz/>
Date of Entry