"Today people talk about brains as if they were a sort of biological computer, with pink mushy 'hardware' and 'software' generated by life experiences."

— Aamodt, Sandra; Wang, Sam

March 31, 2009
"Today people talk about brains as if they were a sort of biological computer, with pink mushy 'hardware' and 'software' generated by life experiences."
Metaphor in Context
Brains have long been compared to the most advanced existing technology--including, at one point, telephone switchboards. Today people talk about brains as if they were a sort of biological computer, with pink mushy “hardware” and “software” generated by life experiences.
Aamodt, Sandra, and Sam Wang. "Computers vs. Brains." The New York Times Online Opinionator. March 31, 2009. <Link to NYTimes.com>
Date of Entry

The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.