" But hope rose gently in the mother's breast; / For well she knew that neither grief nor joy / Pain'd without hope, or pleased without alloy"
— Crabbe, George (1754-1832)
Work Title
" But hope rose gently in the mother's breast; / For well she knew that neither grief nor joy / Pain'd without hope, or pleased without alloy"
Metaphor in Context
Awed by the elfin's threats, and fill'd with dread
The parents wept, and sought their infant's bed:
Despair alone the father's soul possess'd;
But hope rose gently in the mother's breast;
For well she knew that neither grief nor joy
Pain'd without hope, or pleased without alloy;
And while these hopes and fears her heart divide,
A cheerful vision bade the fears subside.
The parents wept, and sought their infant's bed:
Despair alone the father's soul possess'd;
But hope rose gently in the mother's breast;
For well she knew that neither grief nor joy
Pain'd without hope, or pleased without alloy;
And while these hopes and fears her heart divide,
A cheerful vision bade the fears subside.
Searching "mind" and "alloy" in HDIS (Poetry)
Date of Entry