"But what he from the Lord had to him said, / On David's heart a deep impression made"

— Ellwood, Thomas (1639-1713)

Place of Publication
Printed and Sold by the Assigns of J. Sowle
1712, 1796
"But what he from the Lord had to him said, / On David's heart a deep impression made"
Metaphor in Context
The prophet now, his message fully done,
Had left the king, and to his house was gone;
But what he from the Lord had to him said,
On David's heart a deep impression made;

His conscience, which before did slumb'ring lie,
Now throughly waken'd, in his face did fly,
And charg'd him home; he felt the wounds within,
Which, on his bleeding heart, were made by sin.
Searching "impression" and "heart" HDIS (Poetry)
Poem begun in 1688, not complete and published until 1712. 13 entries in ESTC (1712, 1722, 1727, 1749, 1751, 1754, 1760, 1763, 1764, 1785, 1792, 1796, 1797).

Text from Davideis. The Life of David, King of Israel. A Sacred Poem. In Five Books. by Thomas Ellwood. 5th edition (London: Printed by James Phillips, 1796).

See also Davideis. The Life of David, King of Israel. A Sacred Poem. In Five Books. by Thomas Ellwood. (London: Printed and Sold by the Assigns of J. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, 1712). <Link to ESTC><Link to Google Books>
Date of Entry

The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.