"The Author of this little Essay, very philanthropically, but he fears, very vainly, wishes, that some much abler Chymist of this kind than himself, could once compose and exhibit such an attractive, and palatable preservative against all infection of the mind, as might be greedily purchased and swallowed by every individual of the human race, who should have opportunities and means as well as occasion for the use of it."

— Anonymous

Place of Publication
Printed for the Author, by T. Spilsbury
"The Author of this little Essay, very philanthropically, but he fears, very vainly, wishes, that some much abler Chymist of this kind than himself, could once compose and exhibit such an attractive, and palatable preservative against all infection of the mind, as might be greedily purchased and swallowed by every individual of the human race, who should have opportunities and means as well as occasion for the use of it."
Metaphor in Context
The Author of this little Essay, very philanthropically, but he fears, very vainly, wishes, that some much abler Chymist of this kind than himself, could once compose and exhibit such an attractive, and palatable preservative against all infection of the mind, as might be greedily purchased and swallowed by every individual of the human race, who should have opportunities and means as well as occasion for the use of it.
(p. xiii)
Browsing in Gale's Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO).
A response to Hume's Two Essays (1777). Only 1 entry in the ESTC (1784).

See An Essay on the Immortality of the Soul; Shewing the Fallacy and Malignity of a Sceptical One, Lately Published, Together With Such Another on Suicide; and Both Ascribed, ... to the Late David Hume, Esq. (London: Printed for the Author, by T. Spilsbury; and sold by John, Francis, and Charles Rivington, 1784). <Link to ESTC>
Date of Entry

The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.