"The Judge within the Mind, shall ev'ry Cause / Impartial weigh, and cancel useless Laws"

— Hoyland, Francis (1727-1786)

Place of Publication
London and York
Printed for W. Bristow and C. Etherington
"The Judge within the Mind, shall ev'ry Cause / Impartial weigh, and cancel useless Laws"
Metaphor in Context
"Raise, raise, ye happy Isles, your grateful Voice!
"With Ardour sing, triumphantly rejoice!
"Raise, raise your Voice! the iron Age is fled;
"No more shall Virtue hang the pensive Head;
"Nor black Rebellion baleful Curses breathe,
"And, frantic, doom the best of Kings to Death;
"But hopeless and appall'd in Torment pine,
"To see the Sire in his Descendent shine.
"And when mature in Wisdom, as in Years,
"The Youth his Virtue to each Heart endears,
"No Crouds shall to the purple Judge resort,
"No fell Debates perplex the venal Court;
"The Judge within the Mind, shall ev'ry Cause
"Impartial weigh, and cancel useless Laws
"No more shall Commerce languish on the Tide,
"But o'er the Seas exulting Navies ride,
"Her various Treasures waft from Coast to Coast,
"'Till ev'ry Climate ev'ry Produce boast.
"Then Man a Life of Innocence shall lead,
"Then Spring perennial deck the verdant Mead;
"Then Peace and Plenty, walking Hand in Hand,
"Shall show'r their Blessings o'er the smiling Land.
"The Mountains white with Flocks, the Vallies crown'd
"With wavy Gold, shall Strains of Joy resound;
"The flow'ry Fields luxuriant Sweets exhale,
"While Health and Pleasure sport in ev'ry Gale;
"Rivers of Milk the Land with Fatness fill,
"And knotty Oaks nectareous Dews distil:
"Each Tree, surcharg'd with Wealth, wide o'er the Plain
"His Arms extending, shall implore the Swain
"To ease him of the Load of luscious Fruit,
"And give his younger Glories Room to shoot.
"No Groan of Anguish shall affright the Grove,
"Plutus no longer lance the Shafts of Love.
"The Fair-one, guiltless of delusive Art,
"Shall ever with her Hand bestow her Heart;
"The faithful Lover scorn the Lures of Gold,
"And each in each a dearer Self behold.
"Thus shall the downy Minutes sweetly fly,
"And thus commence the Age of Exstasy.
Searching "court" and "mind" in HDIS (Poetry); found again searching "judge within"
Only 1 entry in ESTC (1763).

See Poems and Translations by Francis Hoyland, A.B. (London: Printed for W. Bristow, in St. Paul’s Church-Yard; and C. Etherington, in York, 1763). <Link to ESTC>
Date of Entry

The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.