"But as the moon reflecting borrow'd day, /Sheds on our shadow'd world a feeble ray: /Some scatter'd beams of Reason law contains, /While Order's rule must be enforc'd by pains"
— Nugent, Robert [or Craggs] (1702-1788)
"But as the moon reflecting borrow'd day, /Sheds on our shadow'd world a feeble ray: /Some scatter'd beams of Reason law contains, /While Order's rule must be enforc'd by pains"
Metaphor in Context
"When man in nature's purity remain'd
"By pain untroubled, and by sin unstain'd;
"Fair image of the God, and close conjoin'd,
"By innate union with the heav'nly mind;
"In the pure splendor of substantial light,
"The beam divine of Reason bless'd his sight;
"Seraphic order in its fount he view'd,
"Seeing he lov'd, and loving he pursu'd;
"Nor dar'd the body, passive slave, controul
"The sov'reign mandates of the ruling soul.
"But soon by sin the sacred union broke,
"Man bows to earth beneath the heavy yoke.
"The darkling soul scarce feels a glimm'ring ray,
"Shrouded in sense from her immortal day.
"Vengeance divine offended Order arms,
"And clothes in terrors her celestial charms.
"Now grosser objects heav'n-born souls possess,
"Passions enslave, and servile cares oppress.
"Fraud, rapine, murder, guilt's long horrid train,
"Distracted nature's anarchy maintain.
"No more pure Reason earthly minds can move,
"No more can Order's charms persuasive prove.
"But as the moon reflecting borrow'd day,
"Sheds on our shadow'd world a feeble ray:
"Some scatter'd beams of Reason law contains,
"While Order's rule must be enforc'd by pains.
"Hence death's black scroll, dire tortures hence are giv'n;
"Hence kings, the necessary curse of heav'n.
"And just the doom of an avenging God,
"Who spurn'd his sceptre, feel the tyrant's rod.
"Blind by our fears we meet the ills we fly,
"In rule oppression, want in property."
"By pain untroubled, and by sin unstain'd;
"Fair image of the God, and close conjoin'd,
"By innate union with the heav'nly mind;
"In the pure splendor of substantial light,
"The beam divine of Reason bless'd his sight;
"Seraphic order in its fount he view'd,
"Seeing he lov'd, and loving he pursu'd;
"Nor dar'd the body, passive slave, controul
"The sov'reign mandates of the ruling soul.
"But soon by sin the sacred union broke,
"Man bows to earth beneath the heavy yoke.
"The darkling soul scarce feels a glimm'ring ray,
"Shrouded in sense from her immortal day.
"Vengeance divine offended Order arms,
"And clothes in terrors her celestial charms.
"Now grosser objects heav'n-born souls possess,
"Passions enslave, and servile cares oppress.
"Fraud, rapine, murder, guilt's long horrid train,
"Distracted nature's anarchy maintain.
"No more pure Reason earthly minds can move,
"No more can Order's charms persuasive prove.
"But as the moon reflecting borrow'd day,
"Sheds on our shadow'd world a feeble ray:
"Some scatter'd beams of Reason law contains,
"While Order's rule must be enforc'd by pains.
"Hence death's black scroll, dire tortures hence are giv'n;
"Hence kings, the necessary curse of heav'n.
"And just the doom of an avenging God,
"Who spurn'd his sceptre, feel the tyrant's rod.
"Blind by our fears we meet the ills we fly,
"In rule oppression, want in property."
11 entries in ECCO and ESTC (1739, 1748, 1751, 1755, 1758, 1763, 1765, 1775, 1782, 1789).
Text from Memoir of Robert, Earl Nugent: With Letters, Poems, and Appendices: By Claud Nugent: With Twelve Reproductions from Family Portraits by Sir Godfrey Kneller, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Gainsborough and Others (London: William Heinemann, 1898).
But see Odes and Epistles (London: Printed for R. Dodsley, 1739). <Link to ECCO>
Found also in Dodsley's A Collection of Poems (1748 and reprintings) and Bell's Fugitive Poetry (1789)
Text from Memoir of Robert, Earl Nugent: With Letters, Poems, and Appendices: By Claud Nugent: With Twelve Reproductions from Family Portraits by Sir Godfrey Kneller, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Gainsborough and Others (London: William Heinemann, 1898).
But see Odes and Epistles (London: Printed for R. Dodsley, 1739). <Link to ECCO>
Found also in Dodsley's A Collection of Poems (1748 and reprintings) and Bell's Fugitive Poetry (1789)
Date of Entry