"The Heart, the Center of the manly Breast, / Just like the Sun, in lovely Purple drest, / Diffuses all the Liquid Crimson round, / Whence Life, and Vigour, Heat and Strength abound."

— Oldisworth, William (1680-1734)

Place of Publication
Printed for Bernard Lintott
1710 [1719, 1729]
"The Heart, the Center of the manly Breast, / Just like the Sun, in lovely Purple drest, / Diffuses all the Liquid Crimson round, / Whence Life, and Vigour, Heat and Strength abound."
Metaphor in Context
The Mind no nobler Wisdom can attain,
Than to inspect and study all the Man:
His awful Looks confess the Race Divine;
In him the Beauties of the Godhead shine:
With Majesty he fills great Reason's Throne,
The Subject World their rightful Monarch own:
His ranging Soul in narrow Bounds contains
All Nature's Works, o'er which in Peace he reigns;
His Head resembles Jove's Eternal Seat,
In which Inthron'd, he sways the Heav'nly State,
And with assembled Gods, consults of Fate:
The feather'd Envoys, all in shining Crowds;
Attend his Throne, and watch his awful Nods:
Catch his Commands, and thro' the Liquid Air
To the low World the Sacred Errand bear:
Just so the Head of Man contains within
The Intellect, with Rays and Light Divine:
The Senses stand around; the Spirits roam
To seize and bring the fleeting Objects home:
Thro' every Nerve and every Pore they pass,
And fill with chearful Light the gloomy Space;
The Heart, the Center of the manly Breast,
Just like the Sun, in lovely Purple drest,
Diffuses all the Liquid Crimson round,
Whence Life, and Vigour, Heat and Strength abound
And as great Phoebus sometimes rages high,
And scorches with his Beams the sultry Sky:
So when the Heart with Rage, or flaming Ire,
Grows warm, or burns with Love's consuming Fire:
The catching Virals spread the Flames afar.
And all the Limbs the hot Contagion share,
As solid Shores contain the liquid Seas,
Just so the Stomach, a soft watry Mass,
Stagnates beneath and fills the lower Space:
Here, Winds, and Rains, and humid Vapours lie,
And these exhal'd with Heat, all upwards fly:
As mantling Clouds conceal the fickly Sun,
Dissolve in Dew and drive the Tempest down:
So when thick Humours from the Stomach rise,
They damp the Soul, and sprightly Faculties:
Then Night and Death their gloomy Shades display,
Till the bright Spark within, the heav'nly Ray,
Dispels the Darkness, and restores the Day.
HDIS (Poetry)
Translated from the French of Claude Quillet. First published in Leiden (1655), followed by Latin version (London, 1708). Subsequent editions attribute translation to Oldisworth. Second edition, 1719; 3rd ed., 1729. Six entries in ESTC.

See Callipædia: or, The Art of Getting Pretty Children. In Four Books. Translated from the Original Latin of Claudius Quilletus. By Several Hands (London: Printed for Bernard Lintott, 1710). <Link to ESTC><Link to 1710 edition in ECCO>
Date of Entry

The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.