Ideas may be "immediately imprinted on the mind"

— Berkeley, George (1685-1753)

Place of Publication
Printed by Aaron Rhames
Ideas may be "immediately imprinted on the mind"
Metaphor in Context
I must confess, it seems to be the opinion of some ingenious men, that flat or plain figures are immediate objects of sight, though they acknowledge solids are not. And this opinion of theirs is grounded on what is observed in painting, wherein (say they) the ideas immediately imprinted on the mind are only of plains variously coloured, which by a sudden act of the judgment are changed into solids: But, with a little attention we shall find the plains here mentioned, as the immediate objects of sight, are not visible, but tangible plains. For when we say that pictures are plains: we mean thereby, that they appear to the touch smooth and uniform. But then this smoothness and uniformity, or, in other words, this plainness of the picture, is not perceived immediately by vision: For it appeareth to the eye various and multiform.
(§157, p. 234)

Past Masters
Past Masters electronic version of The Works of George Berkeley, Eds. T. E. Jessop and A. A. Luce, vol. I (Desirée Park: Thomas Nelson, 1979). <e-text of first edition edited by David R. Wilkins>
Date of Entry

The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.