"To which may be added, the Appetite and Desire to Copulation, which fires the Imagination with unusual Fancies."
— Aristotle [pseud.]
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Printed for W.B. and are to be sold by most booksellers in London and Westminster
"To which may be added, the Appetite and Desire to Copulation, which fires the Imagination with unusual Fancies."
Metaphor in Context
WHen a young likely Couple have enter'd the holy state of Wedlock, and are desirous of mutual Enjoyment for Generation sake, which is the chief end for which Wedlock was ordained, and rather covet to be bless'd by one Sex than another, let them know first for certain, that the success of such things depends upon Divine Providence, tho'secondary Causes must be active & instrumental therein; and those are especially two: First, the Genital Humour, which is brought by the Arteriae Preparantes to the Testes, in the form of Blood, and there Elaborated into Seed by the Seminifical Faculty resident in them. To which may be added, the Appetite and Desire to Copulation, which fires the Imagination with unusual Fancies, or by the sight of a brisk charming Beauty, whose wit and liveliness may much incite, and more inflame the Courage: But if Nature be enfeebled, then are there fit Artificial Remedies to restore it, viz. Such Meats as most conduce to the affording such Aliment as proves to make Seed abound, and restore the Decays of Nature, that the Faculties may freely operate: For as dung and good manuring restores ground that is worn out and heartless, even so seasonable and proper Diet operates to the restoring the faint heart, weak Spirit, coldness and driness of the Genital Parts, and reduceth the weakness of the Nerves, to their Temperament, and removes Impediments, obstructing the Procreation of Children. Then, since Diet may and will alter the evil state of the Body to a better, it is necessary that such as are subject to Barrenness should eat such Meats only, as tend to render them fruitful; and among such things as are inducing and stirring up thereto, are all Meats of good Juice, that nourish well, & make the Body lively, and full of Sap, of which faculty are all hot moist Meats; for according to Galen , the substance of Seed is made of the pure concocted and windy superfluity of Blood; from whence we may conclude there is in many things a power to accumulate or heap up Seed, as also to augment it; and other things of force to cause Erection, as Hen-Eggs, Pheasants, Woodcocks, Gnatsappers, Thrushes, Black-Birds, young Pigeons, Sparrows, Partridge, Capons, Almonds, Pine-Nuts, Raysons, Currants, all strong Wines moderately taken; especially those made of the Grapes of Italy ; but Erection is chiefly caused and provoked by Satyrium [] Eringoes, Cresses, Erysimum, Parsnips, Artichoaks, Turnips, Rapes, Asparagus, Candid Ginger, Gallinga, Acorns bruised to Powder, and drank in Muscadel, Scallions, Sea Shell-Fish , &c. All these, though excellent Restoratives, will not have present Operation, but you must use your self to them for a considerable time, or else you will reap little or no benefit by them. The Act of Coition being over, ( wherein the force of Imagination is certainly very prevalent in the causing of the Child to be of this or that Sex, the Woman ( say tbe Antients ) must gently repose on her right side, with her Head lying low, and her Body sinking down, that by sleeping in that posture, the Cells on the right side of the Matrix , may prove the Place of Conception , in which is the greatest force of Generative heat, which it the greatest Inducement to Procreation of Male Children, and rarely fails to answer the expectation of those that experience it, especially if they keep themselves warm, and without much motion, leaning for the most part to the right, and drinking a little Spirit of Saffron , and Iuice of Hysop , in a Glass of Mallaga o(gap: 1 letter) Aligant , when they lie down and rise, for the space of a Week. Now the fittest time (say they) for the Procreation of Male Children, is when the Sun is in Leo , and Moon's Signs is Virtigo, Scorpia, or Sagitarius .
(pp. 6-9)
(pp. 6-9)
Aristotle's Masterpiece, or, The Secrets of Generation Displayed in all the Parts Thereof ... Very Necessary for all Midwives, Nurses, and Young Married Women (Printed for W.B. and are to be sold by most booksellers in London and Westminster, 1694).
Date of Entry